The 2017 Films - Zokah - Edmonton Video and Photo - From Canada To Vietnam
We made A LOT of videos in 2017. Videos of couples in love and celebrating life together forever. Videos of us as couple travelling to...

2017 In A Nutshell - Edmonton Photo and Film - Around The World And Back Home Again - Photography Ed
We thought 2017 was going to be a tough year with the economy being the way it was. It seemed like we would photograph/film less weddings th

Chateau Lacombe Wedding - Downtown - Edmonton Wedding Photographer
fun, high energy, colorfulness, and dancing, and more dancing...In fact we were super intimidated when everyone wanted us to dance in the ci

Zokah News and Updates!
..we have added a new packages. The new package is for people hosting a small wedding or a whimsical elopement. This new package applies to